World Wide Importers               Invoices: 2016    (Grouped by territory, invoice month & category)
Last refreshed: March 2017
The chart above displays all invoices created in 2016. The charts are clustered by territory, grouped by invoice month & stacked by invoice category.

You can filter on a combination of the multi-select filters in the header section to narrow your search criteria.
Hover over any bar to see the total value (USD) of invoices, the date and the category. Click on any bar, description or legend to view drill-down details in a popup window.
In the drill-down detail window there are many columns so you can scroll vertically and horizontally. You can apply additional filters in the grid and also export the data to excel.

The data in this sample chart is from the Microsoft SQL Server sample DB: World Wide Importers Standard backup.
This page contains a JSON dataset of 22,250 records and was created in 2.3 seconds using the ADD (Auto Data Deploy) tool from APB Reports.
This page can also be automatically generated using Visual Cut from Millet Software. Please Contact APB Reports for a free demo.